• Hubbie, bruisend in Brussel

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Our organisation

On 1 January 2020, Hubbie is born, following a merger between the two Brussels organisations 'De Lork' & 'Begeleid Wonen Brussel'.
From the idea of being able to offer an even broader and more integrated range, we soon find the right common ground. It immediately became clear that there are many similarities between the two organisations. Want to know more about us? Click here on the page about our organisation.


Structural collaborations have become a must for Hubbie. Hubbie does not want to be an island in itself. We are part of a street, city, community, society, world, ... There is an awful lot to learn and what is one of the best ways to learn? Working together!
By working together, we can, among other things, lower the threshold to access VAPH, continue to exchange information between different organisations, learn from each other structurally, continue to inspire supervisors, ... 
Curious about our collaborations? Click here on the page about our collaborations.


Would you like to support us in some way? As a company or organisation? Or as an individual? Anything is possible and you can make a big difference to us. Take a further look at the fundraising page for more information.


Looking for all kinds of leaflets, annual reports, newspapers,... Click through to the publications information page.

Contact Board members


Van Santen

Beleidsverantwoordelijke Organisatiegerichte ondersteuning
peter.vansanten@hubbie.brussels 0491/34.46.23



Beleidscoördinator Mobiele Begeleiding
valentine.lebacq@hubbie.brussels 0492 97 14 51



Beleidsverantwoordelijke Individuele Begeleiding
valentine.lebacq@hubbie.brussels 02/420.43.13


De Storcke



Beleidsverantwoordelijke Leren, werken en ontspannen
Kim.Valtin@hubbie.brussels 0479/99.44.26



Beleidsverantwoordelijke cliëntgerichte ondersteuning
Celine.catthoor@hubbie.brussels 0470/11.12.53